Migrate and re-design a range of outdated monolith services to generic microservices run on Openshift

Leading a development teams within YouSee converting and optimizing a number of existing monolith services as well as developing a number of new services which align with the micro service architecture style.

My role ranges from development and mentoring on Openshift and micro services architecture best practices as well as DevOps assignments on the Openshift platform.

The consultants role

Lead Developer/Technical Architect/Openshift Specialist

Tools and techniques used

Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Java, Kotlin, Gradle, Maven, Openshift, Microservices, Docker, Kubernetes, GIT, Cassandra, PostgreSQL, InfluxDB, REST services, HTML5, JQuery, Oracle Database, SOA, J2EE/Java, JPA 2, SOAPUI, Grafana, Scrum (Method).

Project information

  • Client: YouSee
  • Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Period: 01.2018 – 01.2019
  • Consultant: Claus D. Nielsen